Lost & Found: An Equipment Trailer Story

Friday, December 12/5 at about 3:20am, LVDICE’s agility equipment trailer was stolen. It was fully packed and parked outside our club equipment manager's house in preparation to be towed to Boulder City for GACGLV's December 3-dat AKC agility trial. After recovering from the initial shock, the Trial Chair, Equipment Manager and the Club President jumped into action.
After the Trial secretary notified competitors that Friday’s event had been cancelled, she and few competitors stayed at the site to notify anyone that didn’t get the email. From 7am to 9:30am, the club President spent a frantic 3 hours sourcing equipment and transport to be able to hold Saturday and Sundays events. The Trial Chair went out to buy a few essentials like a long tape measure.
And the Equipment Manager filed a police report and notified the club’s insurance. By 11:30 am, we had a plan of action of what to pick up and where. And by 3pm, there were about 40 competitors on-site to help us unload and set-up two full rings of borrowed equipment. On Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9, GACGLV successfully held 2 days of agility!
This would not have happened without the agility community’s amazing response to our call for help. And we are extremely grateful to everyone one! What an amazing thing can happen in the face of tragedy! We have some VERY BIG THANKS YOUS:
Trial Chair Zoë Beatty, Club Equipment Manager Stewart Vanderlinden and Club President Norah Strebel for keeping cool heads and working on solving the problem!
- Steve Herwig for supplying power from his RV.
- Cheryl Alfred for supplying one ring of equipment, timer set, wheel, cones, weave poles, measuring wicket and various other.
- Eileen Koval and Confident Canines LLC Outdoor Training Facility for supplying one ring of equipment, including contacts, weaves, jumps, tunnels and sandbags.
- Donna Forman and Smartypaws Canine Coaching is supplying tunnels, tire, ring fencing, tables, chairs, and additional equipment.
- Karin Fastow is supplying equipment tables, Fast tape and various other.
- Elaine Graitge and her family for supplying a trailer and equipment transport.
- Todd Holt is transporting equipment.
- Kai Degner for donating ribbons.
- Sandy Barns and Karen Christensen for gates boards.
- Q Dog Video for offering every competitor on a free video and of their use of pull wagon.
And everyone who brought with extra canopies, chairs, tables, pens, markers, clipboards, food, and so much more. And those special people went beyond the call of duty Sunday evening to make sure all the borrowed equipment was retuned safely.
After the trial was over, what followed was an emotional week wherein the club’s board of directors and club members discussed where we go from here. More information shared about the theft and the insurance claims. A local news stations ran a story on our predicament on the news. Many people reached out to us inquiring about making donations, both in equipment and financial. By this time, our “Help us find our stolen trailer “ post on Facebook had reached over 24,000 views and 450 shares. Many, many people were spreading the word and we had not given up hope of some kind of recovery.
During this week, a community member had made a post on our behalf about our missing trailer on the website nextdoor.com, a site the lets neighbors share information about their area.
On Saturday, December 12, a person had posted a comment including a photo of our trailer and location, a dirt lot just off Decatur and Smoke Ranch, 4 miles away from where is was stolen from. The community member quickly contacted every club member she could, finally reaching the Equipment Manager at work and the Club President at home. Within minutes, both were on site, confirming that the trailer was ours.
We waited until the police arrived, before opening her up. During that time, we made contact with a neighbor who later gave a witness statement to the police. After we got permission to open, we started to make a list of what was still there and what was missing. All the agility equipment is intact and undamaged, however we are missing all the electronics, most of the hospitality supplies, ring boxes, canopies, the generator, power drill, toolbox and a broom (yeah, I know!).
During that time, a second neighbor came up to say that he witnessed a vehicle matching the description of the one seen in the video, unhooking our trialing at this site last Friday, 12/5 about 5am (just a few hours after it was taken.). The neighbor also gave the police a statement.
After securing the trailer, Dr Vanderlinden towed her off to a secure store site. And the Club President happily notified the board and the rest of the club members. While we were able to recover much of what was stolen, we still have at least $11,000 in missing equipment to replace.The police investigation is still pending and we will be able to move forward with the remaining two agility shows of the season.
Happy Holidays everyone! Who know that the best gift we’d get this year, was our own stuff back!